What's New (1)
We've been hard at work, and we're excited to announce some new updates and features that are sure to make your experience even better. Check them out here!
Core Modules (30)
General features of Fedena Pro. Hosted and on-premise models.
What is Fedena?
Different Methods of Hosting Fedena : SAAS & Self-Hosting(CDS)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of hosting Fedena in Foradian's server?
How to access Settings/Configuration page in Fedena?
How to configure the Basic General Settings?
How to Add / Edit / Delete normal subjects?
Understanding more about courses/classes in K-12 and Higher Education Institutions.
What should be the nomenclature or the naming convention to be followed while creating a course and a batch?
How courses/classes can be created in Fedena?
How student admission can be done in Fedena?
How can I view a student profile and reports ?
How to search a student in Fedena?
What is student roll number? What is the advantage of assigning roll numbers?
How can we enable roll number for students?
How to set roll number prefix for a course?
Why Human Resource Module Is Required?
How to create an employee category?
How to inactivate, delete or edit an employee category?
How can I search and view a user profile?
How can I change the password of a user?
How can we assign privileges to an employee?
What is timetable workflow?
How to create class timing sets?
How can I edit/delete a class timing set?
How can I create finance category?
How can I edit or delete finance category?
How can I create an expense transaction?
What is fee collection and how to set it?
How can I Create / Edit / Delete a Fee Category?
How can I Create / Edit / Delete a fee particular?
About Employee Payslip Generation
How can I view employee payroll details report?
How an employee's payslip is generated in Fedena 3.5?
How to add different leave types in Fedena 3.5?
How can I edit or inactivate or delete a leave type?
How can an employee apply for a leave?
How to generate report on course/batch details within Fedena?
How can I generate active students report in Fedena?
How can I generate reports of employees in Fedena?
About SMS Module
What events trigger an automatic SMS to be sent and to whom will it be sent?
About SMS Package Management
How to configure SMS settings for various scenarios in Fedena?
How an SMS can be sent to a student from Fedena portal?
How a SMS can be sent to a parent from Fedena?
What is Marking and tracking student attendance?
How can I set up student attendance type for an institution?
Attendance Settings
What is Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)?
How can I set up CCE grading system for my institution?
How to set courses to CCE grading system type?
What is Normal grading system?
How can I set up Normal grading system for my institution?
How to set up grading levels?
What is Grade Point Average?
How can I set up Grade Point Average for my institution?
How to calculate GPA?
How can I set up CWA grading system for my institution?
What is the formula to calculate CWA?
How to set up subject credit hours?
When are SMS automatically triggered in Fedena?
When is internal messages automatically triggered in Fedena?
When is Email alerts automatically triggered in Fedena?
About Indian Certificate For Secondary Education (ICSE)
How can I set up ICSE grading system for my institution?
How to set up grading levels?
Fedena Question and Answer Sessions - Schedule (1)
The list of upcoming Qusesion Answers sessions and webinars on Fedena
Add-on Modules (33)
Add-On Plugins available with Fedena developed by Foradian Technologies
Enquiry Module - Workflow
How can I add Source of Information in Enquiry module
How we can configure library settings in Fedena?
How librarian can set maximum number of books Issued to a student?
Can I edit/ delete library settings? How it can be done?
About Hostel
How can we add custom fields to record hostel additional details?
How can I inactivate or delete an additional field in a hostel?
About Transport module
How to add route additional details
How to add custom fields to record route additional details?
About Gallery Module
How can I edit category/album name in gallery?
How can I delete or edit an image in an album?
How a student or employee can create a blog?
How user can edit,delete or unpublish his blog post?
What is 'Settings' in blog module used for?
Data Management Plugin
How can I create category and fields in it?
How can I edit or delete category field?
How to integrate your Google account with Fedena for Single Sign on?
How Google App integration enhances User experience in Fedena?
I have done all plugin settings for Google Apps integration. Still I am not able to access Fedena with my google account. The App shows a page not found page. What can I do?
How to create and add questions for online exam?
How online exam questions can be edited?
How to add further questions to an online exam?
About Audit plugin
What does the Activity Audit page record and track?
What does the User Audit page record and track?
About Microsoft Azure AD Single Sign-on
How can I set up an active directory?
How can I perform Azure OAuth setting in the Fedena account panel?
About Google Single Sign-on
How can I configure SSO for Google?
How can I perform the Google OAuth setting in the Fedena account panel?
About Reminders
How reminder can be created for events?
How can I create reminder for a fee collection start date?
About Fee import plugin...
- Liquid error: 822: unexpected token at '{ "url": "/support/solutions/articles/213295--how-to-assign-fee-collections-to-a-student-during-admission-", "class": "d-flex", "content": "<div class='pe-8'><span class='icon-article'></span></div><div class='line-clamp-2'> How to assign fee collections to a student during admission?</div>" } '
How to assign or unassign fee collections to a student?
Fedena - Human Resource Settings
Employee Admission in Fedena
Employee Subject Association in Fedena
Fedena - Fees Configuration & Setup
Fedena - Schedule Academic Fee
Fedena - Invoice and student fee structure
Hostel Management in Fedena
Fedena - Hostel Fee Creation & Collection
Fedena - Hostel Fee Defaulters and Report
Transport Management in Fedena
Fedena - Transport Fee Creation, Payment & Defaulters
Fedena - Transport Route & Vehicle Allocation
Fedena Custom Import - Student Admission
Fedena Custom Import - Guardian Data
Fedena Custom Import - Employee Admission
New Features & Enhancements in Fedena 3.6.2
New Features & Enhancements in Fedena 3.6.1
New Features in Fedena 3.6
What is CNAME? How to create a CNAME?
How to migrate your Fedena to new academic year
Is there a free version available in Fedena?
What is the use of grading system in examination module? How to set grading system?
How to assign grading system to courses?
Can grading system for a specified course can be edited?
How can we change the admin's email id?
Where can I upload the logo of my School?
How to do a Transfer of Batch in Fedena?
Fedena CDS (4)
How to setup the installation and instances in the server