Prometheus: Fedena 3.8 Release Note

Posted over 4 years ago by Fedena Support

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Fedena Support
Fedena Support Admin

What’s New in Fedena?

Here is the list of new features included with this release of Fedena 3.8
User Role
Enquiry and Registration
  • A new graphical dashboard for the combined enquiry and registration module.  Navigate to the module from Menu > Applicants
  • Parents/students can enquire about a course with the new Enquiry module before filling out a detailed Registration form
  • Linked to academic year to get a complete admission flow for the year. Open and close enquiries for a year.
  • Create and manage different stages of an enquiry. Assign enquiries to counselors to manage the process
  • For successful enquiries, convert to registration with the click of a button. The unique URL generated allows the user to fill up the registration form easily
  • Enquiry forms can be easily embedded in your institution website also
  • Other features include reporting, configurable form fields like office fields, source of information, etc.
  • All registration related configurations need an academic year. Your existing data will remain under a default year called ‘No Academic Year’
  • Registrations are also grouped under the academic year. Course level form customization has been moved to Applicant > Applicant Registration Settings > Registration Form Settings 
  • Receive notifications for every new application or as a daily digest via email.
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Advance Fee Payment
This feature allows collecting fees in advance and using them in scheduled fee collections. Create Advance Fee Categories and collect advance payment from students. This advance fee will then be available on the payment page in Pay All fees.
Administrator, Privileged Employee

What’s Enhanced in Fedena?

Here is the list of enhanced features included with this release of Fedena 3.8
User Role
SMS Revamp
Editable Templates
System generated automated messages can be customized as per your requirement and messages that are sent repeatedly can now be saved as templates. Create templates for students, employees and guardians.
New SMS Actions
New SMS actions for Gradebook schedule exams and publish results, transport send notifications route wise (Transport>Send Notification), and Birthday notifications for students and employees (SMS>Birthday SMS).
Send SMS to Groups
The new groups feature (under collaboration) allows you to create groups of users (students, employees and parents). Create custom user groups for events like activities, special events, etc. Notify these users from the SMS module.
UI Improvements
A new SMS log filters Automated and Custom messages and groups messages based on the content for better readability. Trace message sending failures faster. 
One single Send SMS link for students, employees, guardians and groups.
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Email Alert Revamp
You can now make use of the Multiselect users within a user type and ‘Send to all’ options to ease the process of sending emails. Format the email content as required using the Rich Text Editor. Also, you can add 5 attachments up to a total of 10Mb with each email.
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Gradebook changes
You can now create Term Exam with only activity exams
Maximum marks of each attribute will appear on the report card within the brackets when the attribute profile is used in Gradebook.
You can use the rounding off option in the gradebook planner settings  page to obtain the marks as required.
Gradebook report now has an option to upload students’ photo at the place of the secondary logo.
New CBSE Gradebook Template is added to the custom templates.
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Finance changes
You can give privilege for no discount during fee collection. Front office executives who collect fees will not be allowed to give discounts. Only the finance department with approval by the principal/school owner can do it.
You can use the ‘Suspend Fine calculation after fee payment’ option to stop fine calculation after core fees is paid and you can remove computed fine for a student. 
With the invoice settings, you can control due and paid amounts in Invoice PDF
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Leave year and Automatic leave reset with changes in settings
With this feature, you can automate the leave addition process through a year and complete the year-end leave transfer process effortlessly. The leaves will be automatically processed within a leave year. However, you will have to conduct an end-year process to calculate the leaves that can be carried forward to the upcoming leave year.

  • Once this mode is activated, you will have to follow certain steps to use it. Firstly, create credit frequency and credit type for each existing leave type.
  • To manage the leaves, create a new leave year and activate it. Then, select the date on which the last leave reset was carried out (reference for the upcoming leave credit).
  • With this update, you no longer have to manually do the entire process. By using the Leave Credit Setting, switch to the automatic mode of crediting the leaves. The manual method will be selected by default if this setting is not configured.
  • Decide when the leaves will be credited. To enable user-defined mode, we have custom based. To credit the leaves according to the calendar, that is on the 1st of any set duration, we have Calendar based.
  • After the configuration is completed, the leaves will be automatically processed within a leave year. However, you will have to conduct an end year process to calculate the leaves that can be carried forward to the upcoming leave year.
HR Settings
You can define the Number of Working days (NWD) for each month. LOPD and NWD are added under default categories in the LOP settings
Rounding off is possible in each of the payroll categories as well as in the net pay in payroll settings.
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Human Resource
Session-based Save and lock, and related changes
You can now lock the attendance after a day or week. Enable the lock option in attendance settings and set the duration as to when you wish to lock the attendance. The attendance will be locked automatically based on the set duration. 
Or you can directly lock the attendance by clicking on the Submit button on the attendance register page. Attendance for that date will be locked irrespective of the duration that is set. Also, now you can generate the PDF/CSV report of the Attendance register.
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Search books by additional details
It is now possible to search for books in the library using the additional fields that were recorded at the time of adding each book. Instead of scrolling down through the dropdown to filter the required additional detail, just enter the search criteria.
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Payment Gateway Account Split
Payment Gateway account split framework has been done and the same is implemented with Razor Pay. You can use this feature to direct the cash flow to different accounts.
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Online Payment
Show grade and total marks in percentage in GPA transcripts
With this feature, you can show the grade and total marks in percentage in GPA transcript. Select the Final Marks Calculation mode as Weighted Marks mode and use the Settings link in this mode to configure additional information in the report card and transcript.
Administrator, Privileged Employee
New Push notifications and Message attachment
Receive push notification on collecting fees, publishing album and exam reports, approval/denial of leaves, attendance marking and news (announcements)
You can send attachments via Message
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Multiple Modules
Report Modifications
Additional column option added for transport fee, student-wise fee defaulters and student-wise transaction report.
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Multiple modules
Direct login to schools by client admin users from the accounts panel
Client admin users (school owners) can now directly login to their schools from their accounts panel by clicking on the domain name near the URL.
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Date in words field and A4 landscape option
Using this feature you can have all the dates in words  and you can now use the A4 Landscape option in Certificate Generator and Add additional details
Administrator, Privileged Employee
Certificate and ID card generator

Issues Fixed

Here is the list of issues fixed in this release of Fedena 3.8: 
  • Fees are not showing under the batch after the fee collection update
  • Expense for a day will not reflect in the finance dashlet if there is no income recorded for the same day.
  • Pay all fees: Advance fee amount showing double in the payment history
  • Cannot edit/delete fine after deleting associated collection
Human Resource
  • Number of days present showing wrong in the payslip
  • Leave types that are common are getting updated on resetting leaves by leave group even if the leave type is not selected.
  • Joining date of an employee is not being considered in the “Number of days present” in view payslip.
  • Wrong LOP Calculation when LOP is deducted from each payroll category
  • “Save as a Report Template” button is not working in Payslip Management
  • Grades are not getting displayed in ‘CSV Report’ of consolidated Gradebook Reports
  • Change in total marks calculation for the subject groups of Gradebook
  • Not able to import the marks in Gradebook
  • Gradebook Report generation fails when second custom template is chosen with graph enabled
  • Maximum marks of each attribute should be hidden when we enable ‘hide marks’ in gradebook
  • Consolidated report throwing 500 error in the gradebook
  • Not able to unlock the exam and the students are marked as absent when we select any past date for ‘Mark Entry Last Date’ in Gradebook
  • Maximum exam mark displayed in the Gradebook report when Hide Mark is enabled
  • Marks are not getting displayed in Gradebook reports when Scoring is ‘Marks and grades’ , enable ‘Hide marks’ and then Scoring is changed to ‘Marks’
  • Total percentage for consolidated report with type as planner exceeds 100
  • Grades are not reflecting on the report card even though if it is successfully submitted.
  • Derived exam score is wrong when Decimal marks are considered for the totaling
ID Card Generator
  • The students name are showing in both the batches if a particular student was transferred within the same course
  • Issue with the background image of ID card during bulk generation
  • In ID Card generator field codes of Father’s name and Mother’s name is taking the “Other” relation’s name if “father” or “mother” text is given along with any text in the “other” relation’s textbox
  • Missing immediate contact in ID card templates
Applicant Registration
  • Not able to Submit Applicant registration Form
  • Attendance is not locked
  • My attendance percentage is showing wrong in both daily and subject-wise attendance
  • Guardians are not receiving notifications when the attendance is marked via web application
  • Day-wise attendance register should show non working days and holidays as such
  • Attendance report: Overall mode throwing error if we select all subjects
  • Subject classes count showing wrong in the attendance report
  • SMS is not being triggered when a payment is made from particular wise fee payment page
  • Guardian doesn’t receive the sms when the sms is sent by checking ‘select all’ checkbox
  • Need to prevent multiple submission in send sms pages
  • Missing translation in sms module
  • Elective subject name is not displaying in teachers timetable
Subject Center
  • Not able to delete elective group
  • Able to delete a subject after assigning to any Employee and able to delete an Elective subject After assigning to any Student
  • Unable to see the grade and percentage of old batch transferred student transcript report
  • Report generation failed status is showing while exporting csv in the transport fee report
  • Transport Fee academic year assigning issues
  • Assignments missing when teacher who created assignment is changed in the subject
  • Batch transferred students are also listing while creating assignments for elective subjects.

Feel free to contact Fedena Support([email protected]) for any queries or clarifications.

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