Callisto: Fedena 3.6.2 Release Notes

Posted over 4 years ago by Fedena Support

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Fedena Support
Fedena Support Admin

What’s new in Fedena 3.6.2

Here is the list of new features included with this release of Fedena 3.6.2
FeatureDescriptionUser RoleModule
Tax ModuleThe all-new tax module allows institutions to enable tax on all types of fee transactions – general fees, instant fees, transport and hostel fees. This module can be used for VAT or other similar tax systems.
To collect tax on fees, enable it from the settings page in Finance section. Add the various applicable tax slabs and enter details such as Tax Identification Number. Tax is applied on fee particulars for general and instant fees and applied on fee collections for transport and hostel fees.
The applicable tax slab is selected before the collection is scheduled and recorded in the various fee reports when the fee is actually collected from the student. Tax reports show the total amount of tax collected under each slab.
Administrator, Privileged EmployeeFinance, Hostel, Transport
InvoiceInvoicing is now available as a setting in Fedena. When enabled, all scheduled fee collections will have an invoice number based on a set starting sequence. Fee receipts will also show the invoice number against which the payment was done. Invoice is available for all pre-scheduled fees like general fees, hostel fees, and transport fees. It does not apply to instant fees.Administrator, Privileged EmployeeFinance, Hostel, Transport
GalleryNew interface: The new gallery module has a modern and refreshed  UI with a host of new features. Photo category is renamed to Album.
New features: Photo sharing is now moved to albums. Therefore, each photo now cannot be shared individually with different audiences. Multiple photos can be added to the albums at once. Sharing is now easier than before with two modes – Public and Private. Public albums are shared with all active users in the institution whereas Private albums are shared with only selected users. Albums can be easily made accessible or hidden by the publish and unpublish actions.
*Note: Photos shared before the update remain shared with the same audience and will be available under ‘Archived Albums’.
Administrator, Privileged EmployeeGallery
User BlockingUsers can be now blocked from accessing the application for reasons like non-payment of fees with just one click. The page has been redesigned to improve the search experience.Administrator, Privileged  EmployeeUser Management

What’s enhanced in Fedena 3.6.2

Here is the list of enhanced features included with this release of Fedena 3.6.2
FeatureDescriptionUser RoleModule
Applicant RegistrationSubject-based registration: This feature is reintroduced into the module after making it compatible with the new Applicant Registration module. It allows registering for selected subjects while applying for a course. Fees can be configured subject wise so that the applicant pays for the selected subjects only.
PIN-based registration: This is also a feature that is reintroduced in applicant registration. It allows institutions to enable a PIN or Pass Code for applicants to enter when they fill up a form. The PIN is generated in Fedena and can be physically given to the applicants and used as a means to allow genuine applications.
Contact Applicants: This new feature allows institutions to contact the applicant(s) via SMS or Email to intimate them about the next steps or any changes in their application process
Detailed CSV Report: Now reports of applicants can be exported with all form details as CSV. Useful to get data on the type of applicants for the year and take decisions based on that.
Print Form and Print Receipt: The application form can now be printed from the settings page for each course. This is useful when giving a physical form for applicants to fill up. After an application is paid, fee receipts can be downloaded and printed from the application form page.
Fee Assign: During allocation to a batch, the applicable fee collections for the applicant can be now allocated using Fee Assign.
Administrator, Privileged  EmployeeApplicant Registration
GradebookNew formula – Average of Best ‘n’ – has been added. This formula allows institutions to calculate the average from the best ‘n’ exams conducted.  This is in addition to issue fixes and overall optimizations in the new Gradebook module.Administrator, Privileged EmployeeGradebook
Caching for SettingsCaching mechanism added for settings, privileges and available list of plugins for an institution. This will lead to improved performance in Fedena.

Issues Fixed

Here is the list of issues fixed in this release of Fedena 3.6.2
Applicant Registration
  • Fixed an issue with receipt number generation if fees paid online using the new single receipt payment mode
  • Cancelled classes count is not deducted from overall attendance report when subject wise attendance is enabled
  • Fixed an issue with the order of absence marked in attendance report to date wise descending
Custom Report
  • Issue with additional fields starting with numbers not showing in student custom report fixed
  • Fixed a 500 error in pay all fees page when hostel or transport plugins not enabled
  • Incorrect fee due amount issue in pay all fees page fixed
  • Amount in words format incorrectly when fee collection amount is less than 100
  • Issue with invoice being marked as paid even when finance transaction failed fixed
  • Fixed the issue of allowing student category delete even when students were assigned to it.
Feel free to contact Fedena Support([email protected]) for any queries or clarifications.

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